The main reason for a decline of output (well doesn’t pump water) and well ageing (well draws air) is found outside the filter. Deposits in the filter gravel and the adjacent geology prevent a free flow of water (well is blocked). Sensible well cleaning and well rehabilitation measures must therefore always address both the deposits in the filter pipe and in the adjoining gravel pack and geology. In the case of severe well ageing (more than 50% drop in performance), the filter pipes are so heavily encrusted that the gravel area is difficult to reach. In such a case, a mechanical pre‐treatment (with brushes) is advisable. This allows WESSOCLEAN AQUA TYP 1 to reach the gravel filter and the geology directly and thus develop its full effect at the critical points. In addition, the economic efficiency of the measure is increased, as mechanically dissolved deposits do not consume valuable regeneration agent.
Regeneration measures should always be carried out after a small loss of the well's capacity (flow rate in litres per second), as this is when they’re most successful and most economical. In later phases, incrustation increases exponentially and the necessary regeneration effort of the well (garden wells, dug wells, driven wells, shaft wells, drilled wells, suction wells, withdrawal wells, heat pump wells) rises drastically. Regular well cleaning or well maintenance is most economical if the well's performance drops 10‐30%. Then, well maintenance requires only 10‐30% of the active ingredient of a full well regeneration.